A full-time traveler's blog providing tips on hotels, art, culture and food.

Month February 2021

Budgeting Tips for Any Trip

Obviously, everyone’s idea of a vacation will be different.  International? Domestic? Airplane? Road Trip? Camping? Long weekend vs. full week (or more)? The one thing that every trip has in common is the need for a budget.  We are frugal… Continue Reading →

Mrs. HomeFree Celebrates One Year on the Road!

Today is February 21, 2021.  It has officially been one year since I stopped working a traditional Monday-Friday job with an office.  On February 21, 2020, I packed my belongings from my office of 12 years into a storage bin… Continue Reading →

Maui: Reflections in a Bamboo Forest

There are places that we encounter when traveling that affect us deeply.  I’ve written before about how overcome with emotion I was when I entered Sacre Coeur in Paris during a choir rehearsal.  I remember the Rocky-style feeling of accomplishment… Continue Reading →

In Honor of Black History Month

My husband and I have both gotten used to him being the only black person in the room when we travel to many places.  We continue to wonder & discuss between ourselves why that is.  That issue is probably a… Continue Reading →

Working Virtually: Online Teaching – A Career for the 21st Century

NOTE: Sorry! I discovered that most of the video clips for today’s post did not operate correctly the first time this post went live. I’ve fixed the technical difficulties. Please enjoy samples of me teaching online. In the 90’s, when… Continue Reading →

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