A full-time traveler's blog providing tips on hotels, art, culture and food.

Month August 2021

Mrs. HomeFree Author Publishes Article on America’s History with Race

To my loyal subscribers, It is possible that my newest internationally published article might be one of the most important articles I’ve ever written. While it is full of the useful travel information you have come to expect from me,… Continue Reading →

Free Museum Alert: Tampa Firefighters Museum

Having gone to college in Tampa, I am more familiar with that city than many of the other places that we travel.  However, college was a long time ago and things change.  One of the fun things about traveling is… Continue Reading →

Dueling Diners in Stuart, Florida

My husband loves a good diner.  I am not much of a breakfast food person, but a good diner will serve breakfast food and lunch food all day.  Neither of us had ever visited Stuart, Florida until recently.  What we… Continue Reading →

A Quirky Collection: The Elliot Museum

Part II of my sightseeing adventures in Stuart, Florida includes, as promised, with a second unusual museum.  After a 15-minute drive from the Courtyard Hotel on Lost River Road to Hutchinson Island visitors will find the Elliott Museum.  The nice… Continue Reading →

Hidden Florida History: The House of Refuge Museum

It is possible that this bit of history isn’t hidden at all.  Perhaps many Floridians know all about it.  I did not.  I had never heard of a House of Refuge.  Take a trip back 150 years with me and… Continue Reading →

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