A full-time traveler's blog providing tips on hotels, art, culture and food.

Month January 2023

Sacre Coeur: The Sacred Heart That Has My Heart

There are so many reasons to visit Sacre Coeur in Paris. Here are some of mine. A couple of days before I left for the UK I had lunch with an old friend. We met at a French immersion retreat… Continue Reading →

Christmas and Hanukkah in Budapest: The Gift of Light

For 2022, Christmas and Hanukkah overlapped. It doesn’t always happen that way, but we got lucky and were able to experience both Christmas and Hanukkah in Budapest this year. Note: The featured image today is of the Hungarian Parliament building… Continue Reading →

A Holiday Weekend in Budapest

Returning to America for the holidays posed a challenge, both in time and expense. Mr. HomeFree had limited time off available and plane tickets were obscene. We typically pay about $1,000 per ticket. At this time of year, each ticket… Continue Reading →

A Weekend in The Cotswolds-Part II

Today is part two of my Thanksgiving weekend in The Cotswolds. While some villages are more famous than others, I don’t know that you can really go wrong here. They are all cute, historic and have fascinating stories and personalities…. Continue Reading →

A Weekend in The Cotswolds-Part I

We spent Thanksgiving evening in London at the theatre. We spent the rest of the weekend in the country. Here’s a summary of our fairy tale weekend in The Cotswolds. One theory on the meaning of a Cotswold: Wold =… Continue Reading →

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