January 2020

I have only 28 days left of my traditional job (including weekends).  The big news here is that I received my graduation certificate from Taiwan!  I am now officially TEFL certified.  This means I can teach ESL (English as a Second Language).  I do not plan to start the new job immediately.  I am going to simply be on vacation for a little while.  My brain needs a rest.

When I do start the new career, I will work remotely by teaching online (from any city).  I will earn approximately half of what I earn at my office job.  BUT, my husband will be able to work much more consistently, allowing him to make up the shortfall.

Before now, he often worked only 6-7 months each year.  He is away from home the entire time he works, so we have limited his work the last few years. . . just so he could see me, family and friends.  Last year was the first time we really decided to go for broke (no pun intended) as far as his schedule was concerned. He went on assignment for six months, came home for seven weeks and then went out on assignment again.  But now that I will be with him, he will be able to work continuously.  Of course, we will still schedule visits back to our hometown to see family and friends, but they will be short vacations rather than months at a time. 

I am thankful for so many things about him. In particular, I am thankful that one day he said to me, “You don’t have to have a 9-5 job with an office, you know.”  In response to what I suspect was a blank stare from me, he said, “Hello.  It’s the 21st Century.  There are online jobs now.”

I have never worked in this structure before, but I am looking forward to it as part of my plan to re-create my life.  I have been supervising others since I graduated from college 25 years ago.  For the last 12 years, I have been in a career, that while immensely enjoyable, also required me to be available by cell phone every night, every weekend and sometimes even while on vacation. It has demanded more than 40 hours of my time every single week. It’s not a job. . . it’s a lifestyle.  All of this has been my second career.

My first career was as a high school teacher.  I am returning to teaching in my new life, but it will be the 21st Century version.  There will be very little red tape, no classroom management and no politics.  In a little over 28 days, I will make my own schedule, be responsible only for my own behavior and results, put away my cell phone, and hopefully, enjoy the ride!