A Really Good Day (Part 1) – Serendipitous art find – 3/6/2020 –
I had such a good day today! It was 50 degrees and pouring rain all day long (24 full hours) and, still, I had a GREAT day! I checked online to see if Myrtle Beach has museums. I found a FREE art museum! Now you’re speakin’ my language! The Franklin G. Burroughs and Simeon B. Chapin Art museum is in an old house that was moved to its current locale from somewhere else.
This was the perfect rainy day activity. It took me about 60-75 minutes to see the four exhibits they had up. The first exhibit was by J. Hoffman who did colorless sketches of Andrew Wyeth paintings. I didn’t love the sketches but I do like Wyeth, so I spent some time in there. While examining a few in the corner, a man behind me said, “Excuse me. I see you looking. I’m Joe. I’m the artist. Those are my sketches.” I spun around to find an elderly man. We chatted and I thanked him for sharing them with the public. I told him that I am from New England and that my Mom had Christina’s World framed in our living room. I asked if I could take his picture next to one of the sketches. He gladly obliged and stood next to the one that is his favorite. He also volunteered to sign the postcard the museum gave me about the exhibit. Such a fun experience!

I also discovered a new artist named Sara Golish. I like her! She does paintings on wood embellished with gold leaf of women of color.
The eyes are heart-stopping! They are so clear and powerful; they hold you where you stand.
It doesn’t matter that it rained for 24 hours straight. I had such a good day!
September 25, 2021 at 7:12 pm
I have enjoyed my visits to Myrtle Beach. Museums are a wonderful way to spend a rainy day. You never know what — or in this case who — you are going to find.
September 25, 2021 at 8:29 pm
While Myrtle Beach isn’t one of my very favorite places I’ve visited, meeting an artist in person was definitely cool! Yes, I agree. Museums are a perfect rainy day activity.