A Really Good Day (Part 2) – The Cosmic Joke – 3/6/2020

Just as I was leaving the art museum, all super happy with myself for researching it on my own, finding it on my own and meeting one of the artists, I got a text message. . . from my credit union. 

I don’t know about you, but I find that my financial institution contacting me is NOT usually a good thing.  I much prefer it when I am the pursuer in our relationship.  The text message said they were trying to verify a purchase made with my debit card in Houston, Texas.  As previously established in this blog, I am NOT in Houston, Texas. I am in South Carolina.  In fact, I have NEVER been to Houston.  I call the 800-number and the nice lady (we will call her Amanda to protect her identity) tells me that they will shut down my card immediately and send me a new one.  

However, Amanda says they must mail it to a physical address, not my PO Box.  That works fine for me since I am not in the same state as my PO Box, at the moment.  She says it will take 7-10 days to receive the new card.  At this point, I inform Amanda that I will be leaving Myrtle Beach and going to Charleston shortly and I need her to mail it to my Charleston hotel.  Amanda says that is not allowed. She says I can go to a branch and get one made in person.  Yay! I know that my credit union has shared branches all over the country where I can bank just as if I were at home.  SO, clever me, I ask Amanda if I can just go to a shared branch in South Carolina and pick a new card up that way.  Nope.  Boo, Amanda! 

At this point, it is clear that I need to explain to Amanda about my unusual living situation.  I do so.  Then, I say, “So you see, Amanda, you will not mail me a card, I cannot pick one up and you have shut down my old one.  What are my options here?”  Amanda says (I am not making this up), “I really don’t know what to tell you.”

I am patting myself on the back for remaining so calm and sweet.  I say, “Could you please speak to someone, a supervisor maybe, about other options since I am in a rather unusual situation here?”  Amanda puts me on hold and when she returns, she informs me that due to my unusual situation her supervisor has approved for the new debit card to be sent to my Charleston hotel.  Success!

I put a reminder on my calendar to check with the front desk at the Charleston hotel regularly and pray that the card arrives before I leave that city too.  I am already anticipating the next grisly chapter in this tale.  BUT, when we arrive at the Charleston hotel, we discover the card has actually arrived too!  Victory is mine!!  MWAH-HA-HA!!

I am not sure what the moral of this story is, but it seems like I should come up with something so here goes. . .

  1. Bank with a local credit union.  You are more likely to find flexibility there.
  2. Don’t allow sleazy criminals to ruin your otherwise very good day.