Please allow me to provide some guidance to readers on comments related to posts.  Comments should be a really fun part of the blog so, if we all abide by some basic tenets, I think it will stay exactly that. Fun.  These guidelines are subject to change because, well. . . because I can.

  1. Please stay on topic.  If you have something that you want to discuss that is not really intended for a public conversation, then email me.  You want to nominate me for an award?  You want to simply say, “hello?”  Email me.  You want me to plug or advertise a product of yours in some way?  Email me.  There will be lots of legal stuff to discuss in that situation.
  2. No shameless self-promotion.  This blog is for my family, friends, myself and for the general public who find my weird little life interesting.  I am learning that blogging is a community.  I read other blogs and I hope other bloggers will read mine.  If a blogger finds another writer/blog that they genuinely like, there is a polite way to discuss co—promotion.  Respect is a two-way street.  Posting a comment on my site like, “This story is really funny.  Something similar happened to me once.  Check out my travel stories on my blog” is pushy and obnoxious on your part. 
  3. No URLs in your comments.  Similar to the above.  If you want to share a website or blog that you think my readers might be interested in, don’t strong-arm me.  Ask me privately.  I will review it and decide if I want to play ball.
  4. Be Nice!  This blog is supposed to be informative and fun.  In the same way that the brilliant Robert Fulghum once said we learned the basics of how to behave as adults in kindergarten, I have the same philosophy.  This is not a space to slander or vent your rage about anyone or anything. We all have to pick our battles in life. I highly doubt that if you really stopped to think about it, losing your s**t over a blog post would really rank up there with battles that need fighting.
  5. If any of the above guidelines are willfully ignored, I will likely delete your comments.  I am the referee and I get to decide what stays and what goes.  Sorry, Charlie (or Charlene or whoever you are).
  6. Again, be nice and have fun!