Remember that game we played as kids: Red Light, Green Light? The caller would turn their back on a group of approaching rivals. The caller would then yell, “green light” and the crowd would make progress toward the caller. But, when the caller yelled, “red light” their rivals had to freeze in place. Whichever runner managed to overtake the caller first was declared the winner. I don’t know about everybody else, but I have been feeling for at least 6 months now like I am the caller in a very un-fun game of Red Light, Green Light. I certainly have no desire to turn my back on anyone or anything these days. Geez.
The big news for us is that Mr. HomeFree’s employer has directed all staff to get back on the road. Yes, that’s right. That means the end of virtual work for him and the directive to appear in person at his next assigned location on Monday, October 5th.
In case you’ve lost track of what the original plan was, we will be visiting various cities in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and South Florida. Our first stop is Columbia, South Carolina. The first few posts here might not be about Columbia specifically, since it will take me some time to get my bearings and gather material.
As we have all said so often this year, “We’ll see. . . “

I confess that I cringed a bit when Mr. HomeFree told me. I didn’t mean to burst his bubble, but I do have concerns about traveling to hotspots. Currently we do not leave our short-term rental except to go to the grocery store, so managing life in a pandemic from a hotel will be very different and a little scary. The good news is that Columbia is NOT considered a hotspot and that is why his employer has told us to move forward. As we rotate from city to city, if we encounter a city on his schedule that IS considered a hotspot, his employer will ask him to work virtually.
So, this is where all those packing tips that I wrote about come back into play. I am a little rusty, so I expect the packing to take a little while this time around. I also hate packing. Yuck! Anyway, that’s my big news. Saddle up, Buttercup ‘cause I’m goin’ on the road and you’re comin’ with me!
Please remember to share this blog on social media with anyone & everyone that you think will want to join the fun. Someone might be a stranger to me right now, but very soon they will be a part of our virtual friendship circle too! Plus, I’ll be entertaining you with stories about the attractions we visit, the food we eat and the people we meet all across the wonderful southeastern United States!
October 3, 2020 at 10:37 am
Good luck in your adventure. We’ll be waiting for the next post! Be safe and have fun!!
October 3, 2020 at 3:17 pm
Thanks for virtually coming along for the ride!
November 7, 2020 at 5:38 pm
Looking forward to hearing your updates about traveling and teaching. Stay safe!
November 7, 2020 at 6:36 pm
Thanks! I’m so happy you decided to join the fun. The Southeastern U.S. is a new adventure for me and I hope to introduce everyone to some new places.