UPDATED: APRIL 2022 – This post is an oldie but a goodie. I haven’t made chicken salad this year, but I did explain to two people at my hotel yesterday that Passover is not just one day. They were both shocked to learn that it lasts a week. Americans will never learn about “minority” groups if those groups aren’t willing to explain. So, keep asking and I’ll gladly keep explaining! HAPPY PASSOVER!

Life is in upheaval right now.  It took me years to mentally prepare for leaving my job and home to go on the road.  Just as I got comfortable with that. . . Surprise!  Three weeks into our adventure along comes a global pandemic.  But all is not lost.

A spring tradition (for me) continues. Passover has begun and for me that means my homemade chicken salad with tarragon and almonds on matzo.  Yum!  While I can acquire this same kind of chicken salad from my favorite grocery store, I choose to make my own.  It is much more cost-effective because I can make it in much larger batches.  Since I eat it nearly every day for lunch and I have no self-control, a big batch is necessary.  The secret is in the hummus.  Yes, that’s right.  I spread a thin layer of hummus on the matzo before I scoop on the chicken salad.  There is just something about those flavors together.  Try it.  You’ll see.  I had some for lunch today and it was SO GOOD!  Yes, I mean to pat myself on the back. 

Simple comforts and familiar traditions are important when the world seems out of whack.  Even in my little rented kitchen, chicken salad is something I can make with ease to give myself a sense of security and familiarity.  It is like a blankie for my appetite! 

Do you have any comfort foods that are getting you through right now?