As mentioned in a previous post, I had some Visa permission issues. While the English sorted those out, I spent three weeks in exile in France. One weekend, my husband came to visit me and we took the train to Luxembourg. We found out that Little Luxembourg Equals Big Beauty. Tiny Luxembourg is squeezed between France, Germany and Belgium. Fewer than 1 million people live in the entire country. The capital city of Luxembourg City was a great place to spend a weekend.

This particular weekend in January was bitterly cold and the rain would not let up! Exploring wasn’t as much fun in that weather (especially since I already had a raging cold), but we weren’t slowing down. This city is full of history, charm and beauty. I would imagine that in the Spring it must be stunning!

Little Luxembourg Equals Big Beauty

We saw Shelomo Selinger’s Holocaust Monument entitled “Kaddish,” bridges, parks, the Grand Duchy’s Royal Palace and guards, and “the best balcony in Europe.”

Luxembourg City
“Kaddish” – A Holocaust memorial sculpture
Luxembourg City
Luxembourg City
Not your average park
Luxembourg City
The Palace of the Duchy
Luxembourg City
Guard outside the Palace

Le Chemin de la Corniche is called “the best balcony in Europe” and it is abundantly clear why. Even in terrible weather the view is hard to beat.

Le Chemin de la Corniche, Luxembourg City
It is the best balcony in Europe. The featured image at the top of this article is also taken from Le Chemin de la Corniche.

We also rode a glass elevator 65 meters into the sky. . .

Luxembourg City, glass elevator
The glass elevator
Luxembourg City, glass elevator
The view from inside the elevator.

. . . and stayed in the teeniest AirBnb we’ve ever been in. When we folded out the sleeper sofa it almost touched the front door. By the way, this was out of necessity. Luxembourg is a very wealthy country and it is expensive. It was necessary to economize.

Luxembourg City