To my loyal subscribers,

It is possible that my newest internationally published article might be one of the most important articles I’ve ever written. While it is full of the useful travel information you have come to expect from me, it is much more than that. As a Jewish woman who has been married to a Black man for well over two decades, race actually comes up in our house a lot less than people think it would. However, America’s current struggle to handle its past at historic sites everywhere is something, as travelers, that we discuss a good deal. As a traveler, I notice the narratives that historic sites, museums and attractions present to me and I notice how they are presented. This article details my experience at a restored plantation in America’s most famous plantation city. . . Charleston, South Carolina.

Please join me in encouraging as many people as possible to read the article, to subscribe to Mrs. HomeFree, and to comment on this post that you are reading right now. (While FB comments are nice, they don’t help people who are looking for quality content find this blog).

True change in America must include more than changing the images on a poster. Here is how one place is getting it right (in my opinion).

Special thanks to World Footprints for recognizing the importance of the subject matter and for publishing the piece.

A South Carolina Plantation Shows Us the Way Forward – World Footprints