A full-time traveler's blog providing tips on hotels, art, culture and food.

Tag Asheville

Mid-Week Treat: Faith & Porcelain-The Tools of Artist Sandi Walker

As I leaned in to study the porcelain doll faces displayed from corner to corner of the plate glass window, the door opened and an older gentleman poked his head out. “Have you ever been in here before?” “No, I… Continue Reading →

The Food Spectrum in Asheville, NC

What do I mean when I say, “the food spectrum?”  I mean simply that there is healthy food and not-so-healthy food.  Since “all things in moderation” is an important rule to follow in life.  I think it’s important to show… Continue Reading →

How to Save a Dying Art in Asheville

When is a dying art not a dying art?  When two craftsmen adopt the ancient ways, start a museum to preserve them and open a school to teach the ancient ways to others.  Welcome to Silver River Center for Chair… Continue Reading →

Brit Oie – An Asheville Artist Creating Mountain Experiences You Can Take Home

Really good art makes me sigh.  One hand will flutter up to my chest and I will release a little sigh and smile with joy.   This is how I know that I have connected with a piece of art.   I… Continue Reading →

Eating Local in Asheville

Sometimes when we have been driving or flying for a long time, and we are tired, we fall to the familiar and find a fast-food restaurant.  I confess that now.  I think that most travelers would agree, though, that half… Continue Reading →

Nostalgia for A Summer Spent in Hendersonville, North Carolina

In my admittedly overactive imagination, there has always been a threshold in my life.  There was a crossing over between the “childhood me” and the “adult me.”  Maybe other people also have an era that is frozen in time for… Continue Reading →

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