A full-time traveler's blog providing tips on hotels, art, culture and food.

Tag Black History Month

Black History Month Special Post:

Why Don’t I Know You? (Part Two) In elementary school, teachers taught us that America was a melting pot. By the time I reached high school, the new lesson was that America was a salad bowl. The important distinction is… Continue Reading →

Black History Month Special Post:

Why Don’t I Know You? (Part One) As a college graduate, and a person who has always been academically inclined, I thought I was educated. I thought I knew basic American history. However, even in middle and high school, I… Continue Reading →

Hometown Honesty: A Look in the Mirror

Note: The photo above is street art that I found in Columbia, South Carolina. Today’s post is different. I have been sitting with this essay for months. I wasn’t ready for it to be public. Now, in honor of Black… Continue Reading →

In Honor of Black History Month

My husband and I have both gotten used to him being the only black person in the room when we travel to many places.  We continue to wonder & discuss between ourselves why that is.  That issue is probably a… Continue Reading →

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