A full-time traveler's blog providing tips on hotels, art, culture and food.

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A Restaurant Guide for Berkley, CA

If there is one thing that readers can expect by now, it is that I love food of all kinds and will provide a wide array of suggestions of yummy places to eat. A restaurant guide for Berkley or for… Continue Reading →

Rosie the Riveter – Lunch with a Theme in Tampa

My adorably pregnant, bandana-clad server, Rebecca said, “I’m amazed how many people don’t know about Rosie the Riveter. People mispronounce the word.” I was a bit incredulous and stuttered, “Really?” “Oh, yeah. Last night I had a guy in here… Continue Reading →

Fun Places to Eat in Charleston, SC: Fuel Cantina

Food is fuel. Choose wisely. I’ve seen this quote as a meme, printed on notebooks and on gym walls. Charleston, South Carolina is one of America’s most famous food cities. In this place of culinary royalty, that quote takes on… Continue Reading →

Experiencing Ford’s Garage Restaurant in Sarasota, Florida

Previously, I reviewed our visit to the Edison/Ford Winter Estates in Ft. Myers to learn about two of America’s earliest “royal” families.  These families were a big presence in south Florida and have left quite a mark on the area. … Continue Reading →

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