A full-time traveler's blog providing tips on hotels, art, culture and food.

Tag Conwy

Epiphany Alert: Mrs. HomeFree Discovers Her Happy Place

I’ve had an epiphany! The concept of “a happy place” is common. Where is your happy place? Some people love the beach while others love mountain cabins. Ultimately, the environment that brings your blood pressure down is different for everyone…. Continue Reading →

The Welsh Coast: Finding Family Fun & Romance

For our weekend in Wales, we drove four and a half hours from Cambridge to Conwy, Wales on the western welsh coast. We spent the day in Conwy exploring ancient structures. In the late afternoon, we drove just a few… Continue Reading →

Western Wales: The Landscape That Made Me Cry

In general, I don’t think most Americans know much about Wales. I know I didn’t. After all, it is small and you rarely hear anything about it, so it takes on a mysterious quality. One Saturday, we got up insanely… Continue Reading →

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