Today I am answering burning life questions like: What is there to see in York, England and what is there to eat in York, England? While there are many things about the English and Americans that aren’t that different, there… Continue Reading →
Are the activities on Isle of Wight all nature-related? After all, the word “isle” conjures up images of either palm trees or grassy hiking trails. Well, I am here to tell you that the Isle of Wight isn’t what you’re… Continue Reading →
When looking for a weekend getaway from Cambridge, deciding on a destination can be difficult. Is this because a traveler is starved for choices? No, in reality, the opposite is true. There are dozens of cities, towns and villages to… Continue Reading →
Quite a few of the research departments at Cambridge University set up museums for their collections. These free museums ensure that learning is continuous and that the public can enjoy a massive range of amazing specimens, rather than those same… Continue Reading →
There is no denying that a major reason people visit southwest England is to see the history in Bath. Now that I’ve spent a weekend there, I can see why. A visitor doesn’t need to be a history buff to… Continue Reading →
Cornwall is a large peninsula in the southwest corner of England that draws visitors year-round. What makes Cornwall so special? With a few extra hours in our weekend, we took a road trip to find out. Cornish used to be… Continue Reading →
I’ve had an epiphany! The concept of “a happy place” is common. Where is your happy place? Some people love the beach while others love mountain cabins. Ultimately, the environment that brings your blood pressure down is different for everyone…. Continue Reading →
At long last! It’s here! The first installment of the adventures of Mrs. HomeFree in England. #UKadventure. Thank you to all my loyal readers who have waited either patiently or impatiently for me to begin updating you on my new… Continue Reading →
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