A full-time traveler's blog providing tips on hotels, art, culture and food.

Tag food

Happy Passover! Passover Traditions While Traveling

UPDATED: APRIL 2022 – This post is an oldie but a goodie. I haven’t made chicken salad this year, but I did explain to two people at my hotel yesterday that Passover is not just one day. They were both… Continue Reading →

Sampling the Best Venezuelan Food in Orlando at Q’Kenan Restaurant

When I asked the gentleman on the phone about the meaning of the restaurant’s name, I got an explanation in heavily-accented, broken English that I didn’t completely understand.  Here is what I do know.  The second tallest waterfall in Venezuela… Continue Reading →

Budgeting Tips for Any Trip

Obviously, everyone’s idea of a vacation will be different.  International? Domestic? Airplane? Road Trip? Camping? Long weekend vs. full week (or more)? The one thing that every trip has in common is the need for a budget.  We are frugal… Continue Reading →

Foreign Food Experiments (Part 2)

In part two of my quest to review my culinary experiments while travelling, we will visit Slovenia, Scotland and Belgium.  As I mentioned in part one of these culinary memories, sometimes your adventures will work out well and you will… Continue Reading →

Foreign Food Experiments (Part 1)

Let’s talk food.  Yay!  The first thing you need to know about me is that I don’t have four food groups like other people.  I only have three: chocolate, cheese and bread.  Hey, I earned these hips honestly, folks.   Seriously,… Continue Reading →

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