A full-time traveler's blog providing tips on hotels, art, culture and food.

Tag happy place

Epiphany Alert: Mrs. HomeFree Discovers Her Happy Place

I’ve had an epiphany! The concept of “a happy place” is common. Where is your happy place? Some people love the beach while others love mountain cabins. Ultimately, the environment that brings your blood pressure down is different for everyone…. Continue Reading →

Sampling the Best Venezuelan Food in Orlando at Q’Kenan Restaurant

When I asked the gentleman on the phone about the meaning of the restaurant’s name, I got an explanation in heavily-accented, broken English that I didn’t completely understand.  Here is what I do know.  The second tallest waterfall in Venezuela… Continue Reading →

Old World Italy in New World Ft. Lauderdale

Everyone has different environments that they like and those that they don’t.  For me, I fail to see the appeal of South Florida.  Miami and Ft. Lauderdale represent no seasons, humidity and rain all the time, traffic, crowds and dirty… Continue Reading →

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