A full-time traveler's blog providing tips on hotels, art, culture and food.

Tag health

Post-Pandemic Travel: What will Hotels and Airports look like?

During the Coronavirus pandemic, I have spoken to many, many friends who have said they are actually enjoying all the extra time with their spouses and children.  They say that they do not feel “trapped” at home at all.  The… Continue Reading →

Live Like a European (or a New Yorker)

3/26/2020 – Living life during a pandemic for me means living in one room.  Bet your feelin’ pretty good about being in the comfort of your own 1,500-square foot home about now, huh? What our hotel does not have is… Continue Reading →

The Lap of Luxury

3/23/2020 – My husband’s company called him in off the road.  We had 72 hours to “go home.”  For everyone else in the company, that was not a big deal at all.  We, however, do not have a home.  We… Continue Reading →

Travel in the Time of Coronavirus (Part 2)

3/19/2020 – What a difference a week makes! The experts did say that it would get worse before it could get better.  This is true.  More things are shutting down.  Some congested cities are on lockdown.  My best friend lives… Continue Reading →

Travel in the Time of Coronavirus (Part 1)

3/13/2020 – There is a famous book called “Love in the Time of Cholera.”  I am entitling this blog entry “Travel in the Time of Coronavirus.” The world is experiencing something new and scary right now.  The Coronavirus started in… Continue Reading →

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