A full-time traveler's blog providing tips on hotels, art, culture and food.

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A Guide to the Prettiest Villages in Alsace Part 2-Ribeauvillé

Today we continue our exploration of the prettiest villages in Alsace. This eastern region of France is so rife with beauty that it is hard to go wrong anywhere. There are, however, names that come up again and again. Today… Continue Reading →

Ft. Lauderdale: Ignoring Personal Discomfort to Learn More About the Holocaust of WWII.

There is one particular debate that I have had more than once when traveling.  It is an intensely personal subject and each traveler must make a decision regarding it that is best for their own life. . . for their… Continue Reading →

Two Steps Forward & One Step Back, America

I’m taking a brief departure from discussions of travel today.  There are some interesting observations that I’ve made recently.  Bear with me here. . . Hanukkah is almost over for 2020.  As a result, I wanted to write about this… Continue Reading →

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