A full-time traveler's blog providing tips on hotels, art, culture and food.

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Mrs. HomeFree makes one BIG announcement!

Thank you for subscribing and reading for the last two and a half years! Things are about to get very interesting around here. Check out the video below and share, share, share it with your travel-loving friends.

This is Your Life!

2/27/2020 – I had four days after my brother-in-law’s wedding to finish packing into storage tubs or selling off the rest of what we own.  I have lost all respect for used furniture dealers (not sure that I ever had… Continue Reading →

28 Days (Not the Sandra Bullock Kind)

January 2020 – I have only 28 days left of my traditional job (including weekends).  The big news here is that I received my graduation certificate from Taiwan!  I am now officially TEFL certified.  This means I can teach ESL… Continue Reading →

No Address

December 2019 – I sold a couch.  I have had a sleeper sofa in my home office for many years and I have moved that same piece of furniture from house to house for over ten years.  It allowed my… Continue Reading →

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