A full-time traveler's blog providing tips on hotels, art, culture and food.

Tag Scotland

Real Life Experiential Tourism Stories: Large and Small

NOTE: This article about experiential tourism was originally published in 2021. Today, in honor of Father’s Day, I am republishing it because it features my Dad, one of the coolest guys I know. At the age of 75 drove a… Continue Reading →

Friends Across the Water

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” Tim Cahill While I am not a huge social media user, I do have one of those blue & white accounts.  You know the one I mean.  I also acknowledge… Continue Reading →

Foreign Food Experiments (Part 2)

In part two of my quest to review my culinary experiments while travelling, we will visit Slovenia, Scotland and Belgium.  As I mentioned in part one of these culinary memories, sometimes your adventures will work out well and you will… Continue Reading →

Wedding Crashing in Four Countries

OK, so I didn’t really crash any weddings, but I did spy on them a little bit.  There is something lovely about stumbling on a stranger’s wedding while you are traveling.  For me, it is a professional fascination since I… Continue Reading →

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