A co-worker of mine asked how the English celebrate Thanksgiving, and then added, “Or do they?” The answer is that they do not. However, as an American who works with other Americans my husband had the day off. So, how do Americans in England celebrate Thanksgiving? For us, the answer was: take the train to London’s West End to see a show!

We had a quiet morning at home and then took the train into London. There will be more thorough exploring of London to come, I am sure. But, for now, I am including a couple of pictures that are not from the West End.

Tower of London

Big Ben

I learned that Big Ben is the name of the bell inside the top tower. The tower itself is actually called Elizabeth Tower. It has been under restoration for nearly 5 years, hidden by scaffolding. It was just unmasked in November in time for Remembrance Day (in America, this is what we call Veteran’s Day). No one ever told me how beautiful it is. You never read about that. The gold paint glistens in the sun. It will make you gasp as you come upon it.

Big Ben

Thanksgiving in London’s West End

The train trip from our home in Cambridge to London is one hour and 10 minutes. From the time we left our place, drove to the train station, parked, took the train, and walked from the station to Prince of Wales Theatre two hours passed. Would I do it every day? No. But, is it worth it to see a professional show? Yes. Afterall, in America I know people who drive two hours to visit the theme parks multiple times each year.

London’s West End is their version of NYC’s Broadway. The big shows and the big stars are here. We bought tickets a few days in advance for The Book of Mormon and got great seats! Yes, the show is wildly politically incorrect with bad language and could easily offend some, but I wasn’t offended. I thought it was hysterically funny with wonderful musical numbers.

London's West End, Prince of Wales Theatre
London's West End

What did we do the rest of the weekend? We went to the country! Stay tuned for views of the Cotswolds that will make your jaw drop.