I am not a person who likes change. I prefer routine and settling in and it is my preference that my life not be in flux if at all possible. Obviously, that is the most significant thing about becoming HomeFree. Making the decision to go on the road in the first place was stepping out of my comfort zone. Living in a new place every week means living with things in constant flux and equates to remaining outside my comfort zone all the time. It has been good for me. It has been good to learn that I can do it and that I actually enjoy it.
As with everything else in 2020, flexibility is the name of the game. With flexibility in mind, I announce this:
Mr. HomeFree’s company has called him in off the road. . . again.

We had less than 24 hours to pack up and start driving home. The pandemic conditions have reached a fever pitch across the country and his company wants all its staff to return to virtual work. So, rather than spending Thanksgiving in the North Carolina mountains, we were back in our hometown in a short-term rental. We chose to quarantine for several days rather than immediately visiting family. No need to feel badly for me, I thoroughly enjoyed my Thanksgiving Day Chinese food. I really, really enjoyed it. Once the crush of holiday preparations is over, and I can go to the grocery store without being crowded near others, I will make a Thanksgiving meal. Our Thanksgiving calendar will be as flexible as we are.
Happy flexibility season, everyone.
By the way, I have several juicy stories from our travels that I have been saving up, so stick with me.
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